Camouflaged Elites
March 22, 20187 min read1369 words
Published: March 22, 2018  |  7 min read1369 words
ExploreFellowsCommentaryResearchLibrary & archivesAll sectionsThere’s something dishonest about the way today’s privileged Americans comport themselves.Camouflaged ElitesOld Master==Even in the mostly egalitarian city-states of relatively poor classical Greece, the wealthy we...
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Pure Opinion
March 25, 2018
This is much more of a think piece than news, an interesting one though. I think he also overstates the camouflage these people have, at least for the people he chose.
March 25, 2018
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March 22, 2018
Victor Davis Hanson once again hits the nail on the head relative to our embedded coastal elites. Their interests are self-serving while their words camouflage their intent. "Live like we say, not like we do."
March 22, 2018
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August 11, 2022
Interesting article brought forward, and one that was ery informative to me, since I always thought that these people didn't care about showing off their money or power to the media or the peopple, so to see what the author put forth was enlightening. Once again, thank you and goodbye to the readers.
August 11, 2022
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Pure Opinion
April 2, 2018
This is an opinion piece, but one with an interesting perspective on modern-day wealthy elites. The first half of the article identifies the differences between today's wealthy and the wealthy citizens of older civilizations. This part of the article is accurate and very interesting, but then Victor changes gears to go on the attack. He attacks kneeling football players, as if they are kneeling for themselves as opposed to using their success and public platform to speak on behalf of others. Every paragraph at the end is a new unsubstantiated attack, but the first half of this article is worth considering seriously.
April 2, 2018
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March 22, 2018
seemed a bit obvious to me. entertaining but so what?
March 22, 2018
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