Stop blaming ‘both sides’ for America’s climate failures | Dana Nuccitelli
March 6, 20185 min read985 words
Published: March 6, 2018  |  5 min read985 words
The fault lies entirely with the GOP. Focus on fixing it, not laying blame where it doesn’t belongLast modified on Wed 25 Aug 2021 09.52 EDTSteven Pinker is a cognitive psychologist, linguist, and author of . However, his latest – Enlightenment Now – has some serious shortcomings...
Stop blaming ‘both sides’ for America’s climate failures | Dana Nuccitelli Read more

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Hit Piece
March 8, 2018
Yet another divisive article with a narrow POV and fails to include many factors. It’s a real finger pointer.
March 8, 2018
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Political Agenda
March 7, 2018
Although I agree with much of what this article states, there is a clear political party leaning in favor of the DNC. The title alone shows that author Dana Nuccitelli doesn't believe the public should point blame at the Democratic party for their role in slow legislative action to combat climate change. I believe the GOP has become dangerously anti-science in the last century, but I also believe that a corrupt DNC is only playing li service when they talk about the need to take bold action on this issue.
March 7, 2018
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March 6, 2018
A provocative but necessary distinction. It is inaccurate and misleading to pose both U.S. parties as equally contributing to global warming denial when one, and only one, does it almost always. This will rile defensiveness, but for good reason. The commenters do a decent job of picking at this thesis or further supporting it.
March 6, 2018
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March 10, 2018
Author assumes that democrats would do the "right thing" if in power and seems to lack understanding of our "good cop, bad cop" two party system. Authors strong belief in "low carbon" nuclear energy and carbon taxes shows authors own lack of scientific knowledge.
March 10, 2018
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Stacking the Deck
March 8, 2018
As explained in the subtitle and detailed further in each paragraph, Dana Nuccitelli, has an agenda, an argument, to make in this article and stacked the deck to make it so. Without presenting both sides equally, this easily falls into bias as well.
March 8, 2018
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March 7, 2018
Sadly Democrats, given their minority role in government and continued preceved need for large corporate contributions, are very reluctant to loudly endorse support for Climate Change action.
March 7, 2018
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