Oscars 2020 Spotlight: Best Picture
February 9, 202010 min read2015 words
Published: February 9, 2020  |  10 min read2015 words
At the first Academy Awards, in 1929, there were two top prizes. The award for Outstanding Picture went to “,” William Wellman’s dazzling airborne First World War epic, while the prize for Unique and Artistic Picture went to “,” a warped domestic thriller from the German Expressi...
Oscars 2020 Spotlight: Best Picture Read more

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Pure Opinion
February 9, 2020
I enjoyed reading this playful and exciting take on the potential Oscar winners for Best Picture. I found most of his assessment to read true, except for the unnecessary moments when he tried to tie in current political events. The following examples are what lost some of my trust: Example 1) "Still, it would be wrong to call “Joker” a Trumpian fantasy of white male grievance. If anything, its politics resemble old-fashioned bleeding-heart liberalism: every down-and-out murderer is the product of neglectful parents, a fraying social safety net, poor health care, and income inequality. If Ronald Reagan were alive, he’d run against it." Example 2) "An underlooked aspect of the Academy’s efforts to diversify its membership has been a far more international reach, and a win for “Parasite” would signify a shift in what an “Oscar movie” looks and talks like in the new decade, much in the way that “Slumdog Millionaire” ushered in the Obama era."
February 9, 2020
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