Don’t buy the media hype over the new China virus
January 29, 20203 min read666 words
Published: January 29, 2020  |  3 min read666 words
A CNN reporter broadcasts from Wuhan, China, on the recent viral outbreak. There is nobody near who could possibly infect him ­— unless the cameraman has Guinness Book of Records coughs and sneezes. So why does he insist on wearing a blue surgical mask while talking?It’s called “...
Don’t buy the media hype over the new China virus Read more

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Great Context
January 30, 2020
A wonderfully relevant piece. It provides not only valuable context, but excellent perspective as well. Nicely sourced and chockablock with information. Well-written in a no-nonsense style which cuts right to the heart of the matter sans any gratuitous sensationalism. A decidedly worthwhile read. Four stars!
January 30, 2020
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Surface Level
January 31, 2020
There's the obvious issues with this article as of 1/30/2020, the numbers are old and have vastly changed. It's true that the media does hype up "new" diseases and that, likely, unnecessary fear is spreading, or at the very least it's spreading far too early. However, I disagree with the suggestion that this disease is un-noteworthy. While some of the recent precautions seem extreme, like the flight bans, it is worth studying and understanding how this disease moves and works. Trying to limit and track the global spread is also important.
January 31, 2020
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Great Context
January 29, 2020
The headline looks like a clickbait, but this article seems necessary. It questions some relevant points that the media is making noise about, and offers a meaningful comparison between other diseases/flu and how they usually spread. I like the objective way the text is written, but I'm still not sure about what is really happening. It's good to read another point of view, anyways.
January 29, 2020
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