HOME          LATEST STORY                    Dec. 10, 2019, 12:01 a.m.Different groups of Americans perceive news very differentl...
Men and white people believe the news is less reliable now than it was in the past. Women and people of color think it’s gotten more reliable. Read more

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Surface Level4
critic score
critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 5
critic score
10 reviews
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20 reviews
critic score
1 reviews
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6 reviews
critic score
1 reviews
public score
5 reviews


Surface Level
December 11, 2019
This piece brings two quotes to mind. "It has become a sarcastic proverb that a thing must be true if you saw it in a newspaper. That is the opinion intelligent people have of that lying vehicle in a nutshell. But the trouble is that the stupid people -- who constitute the grand overwhelming majority of this and all other nations -- do believe and are moulded and convinced by what they get out of a newspaper, and there is where the harm lies." - Samuel Langhorne Clemens ""There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." - Samuel Langhorne Clemens There is not much to be said about or referenced regarding this article. It is basically a copy and paste job of a think-tank study masquerading as ostensibly insightful and original reporting. It should be noted that RAND (or more accurately RAND Corporation) was founded in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. There has been much criticism over the years of RAND Corporation's straying too far afield from its original purpose. The RAND study noted here would be considered in more critical quarters to be an example of such. Insofar as this "reporting" comes from Harvard University, some might consider it a worthwhile read. However, if that bit of favor does not spring from the prospective reader's pique its value in that respect, especially in precious time spent reading it, decreases by several orders of magnitude.
December 11, 2019
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December 28, 2019
Not much of an article really, filled with bland statistics based on a study. There is plenty of evidence that many in the media are no longer reliable. So, to paraphrase Samuel Clemens, if you don't watch the news you are uniformed, if you watch the news you are misinformed.
December 28, 2019
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Surface Level
January 4, 2020
It felt a bit like she was just digging for the results that supported her conclusion. I would have like to see deeper analysis of the report as a whole. It felt like it kind of ended abruptly.
January 4, 2020
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Surface Level
December 23, 2019
I usually enjoy Laura Hazard Owen's work, and the article is well-sourced, but it leans too heavily on a couple of graphs and ends up feeling surface level. I would have liked to see more context or even more information in the piece about the methodology of this report.
December 23, 2019
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Surface Level
December 23, 2019
This is disinformation, pure and simple.
December 23, 2019
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Well Sourced
December 11, 2019
This user only left a rating
December 11, 2019
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