Three-star Michelin chef Dominique Crenn bans meat from her restaurants
December 5, 201927 words
Published: December 5, 2019  |  27 words
Francesca Street, CNN • Updated 28th November 2019Up next(CNN) — Dominique Crenn was named world's best female chef in 2016.Courtesy Jordan Wise/Crenn Dining GroupRelated contentRelated contentRelated content...
Three-star Michelin chef Dominique Crenn bans meat from her restaurants Read more

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Great Context3
critic score
critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 5
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41 reviews
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232 reviews
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1 reviews
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5 reviews


Great Context
December 7, 2019
An interesting look at an interesting person. Well-written and free of any bias from the Author. Contextually relevant within the broader societal discussion on the environmental impact of global food production and sourcing. Good quotes and sourcing. A decidedly worthwhile read.
December 7, 2019
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Surface Level
December 12, 2019
A light piece on one famous chef's decisicion to make her restaurants meat free. From the article it sounds like meat meaning land-animals. That's always a bit confusing.
December 12, 2019
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Well Sourced
December 6, 2019
As investigative and balanced As an article can be when interviewing a restaurant owner about how they source their product and what dishes they serve. Interesting that she still serves fish though the data on overfishing, false labeling and contamination in seafood is so well documented.
December 6, 2019
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Great Context
December 8, 2019
This article was well-sourced and provides great context on Dominique Crenn's background and motivations for removing meat from her restaurants. A well done piece that doesn't take a political or moral stance on the issue being discussed.
December 8, 2019
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Emotional Appeal
December 28, 2019
First, she fails to address a simple fact of life, growing vegetables is not a carbon neutral endeavor, especially if you are plowing and fertilizing fields to grow that vegetation. Second, a vegetarian diet will not significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Third, though eating less meat may indeed be a healthier proposition, a vegetarian diet may not necessarily be healthier. As for her decision to go meatless in her restaurants, I applaud her endeavor, though I will never travel the forty miles to San Francisco to eat in one of her establishments, meat or no meat.
December 28, 2019
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Great Context
December 6, 2019
Even for people who don't know the chef is possible to see how passionate she is about her job and beliefs, and how this kind of decision is related to her personality. The video helps a lot to get her way of thinking and expressing herself and made me understand her point of view. Good article with great context.
December 6, 2019
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