Why filming police violence has done nothing to stop it
June 3, 20206 min read1134 words
Published: June 3, 2020  |  6 min read1134 words
You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers was captured on video, not once but half a dozen times. As we try to understand why a police officer continued compressing a man’s neck and spine for minutes after he’d lost ...
Why filming police violence has done nothing to stop it Read more

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Great Context
June 10, 2020
A contextually relevant, it might even be said mightily so, piece regarding the use of technology as societal leveler. A philosophical rumination of sorts on, as the Author terms it 'techno-utopian fantasy'. In which data (or rather the belief in it - for some as holy writ), so to speak, has the potential to cure all of society's ills. In this way, while not mentioning it here, the Writer pushes the discussed issue to a certain degree into the realm of Debord's 'The Society of the Spectacle'. I would really suggest a very close read of this write-up. There is quite a bit going on in the subtext both deeply interesting and informative. A decidedly outstanding investment of one's time. Four stars!
June 10, 2020
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Pure Opinion
June 10, 2020
Op Ed spouting hypotheticals about philosophy and surveillance with nothing substantial
June 10, 2020
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