Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns
November 28, 20199 min read1845 words
Published: November 28, 2019  |  9 min read1845 words
Joe Biden says his son Hunter Biden is a great guy; Trace Gallagher reports.You can now listen to Fox News articles!As the Democrat-led into deepens, a spotlight has been cast on Hunter Biden ventures abroad not only in Ukraine but , where he set about investing while his dad ser...
Hunter Biden’s China connections plagued by ethics questions and national security concerns Read more

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Lack of Reliable Sources
November 28, 2019
This article cherry picks details to present a picture that is not supported by facts in cited articles such as the one from the Wall Street Journal. Some statements in the article have no source cited and others quote an opinion from a source with any support for the opinion.
November 28, 2019
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December 28, 2019
Though FOX has an obvious right wing bent, I found the article to be balanced in its approach to reporting on the potential conflicts of Hunter Biden and his father. Those who rate it lower than I did definitely have their own opinions and are likely rating it so do the source. However, it is no mystery that Hunter Biden has put himself in a position to be questioned on some of his business dealings while his father was the Vice President. His past certainly lends credibility to the article, as it leaves one to wonder how a person expelled from the military for cocaine abuse has been able to build such an impressive portfolio. And the coincidence that his father was in a very powerful position to help is also something that cannot be overlooked by a person who engages in critical thinking. I will admit that FOX has a bias, however, that does not mean that an article about the troubles Hunter Biden is experiencing is false or not credible.
December 28, 2019
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Hit Piece
December 23, 2019
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December 23, 2019
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Stacking the Deck
November 30, 2019
This article is trying to paint a picture of corruption and sinister wrongdoing, but the actual information in the piece is much less dramatic than the author's tone. There was a clear political agenda to write a negative piece on the Bidens. This is not the article I would read to learn more on Hunter Biden + China.
November 30, 2019
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Political Agenda
November 29, 2019
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November 29, 2019
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