What a Tour of an Amazon Fulfillment Center Reveals
November 5, 201912 min read2376 words
Published: November 5, 2019  |  12 min read2376 words
SMF1, an fulfillment center on the edge of Sacramento, California, is a low, gray, utilitarian building. Amid the yellowing fields of the Central Valley, it resembles a cluster of Legos abandoned in an untended back yard. The facility is named for Sacramento’s SMF airport, which ...
What a Tour of an Amazon Fulfillment Center Reveals Read more

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Anecdotal Evidence
November 7, 2019
This entire piece is based on a long-drawn-out explanation of the author's anecdotal experience visiting an Amazon Fullfilment Center. So much sensational language, meant to make Amazon sound bad, is found throughout the piece, turning every sentence into hit piece poetry. The article feels self-indulgent as if the author would rather show off her vocabulary than educate the reader on the inner workings of an Amazon Fulfillment Center. You can avoid this piece. Your time is best spent elsewhere.
November 7, 2019
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Pure Opinion
November 6, 2019
This is an Op Ed
November 6, 2019
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