Protest Alone Won't Save Our Planet
October 28, 20198 min read1640 words
Published: October 28, 2019  |  8 min read1640 words
We can all use a shot of hope. I got one from 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and the disproportionately youthful masses—4 million across 150 cities worldwide—who came out for climate sanity last week. I listened online to the speech Thunberg delivered to more than 30...
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Pure Opinion
October 28, 2019
This is pure opinion, has no informational contribution of any kind, and does not constitute news. Furthermore, the blog site hosting this waste of 3 minutes reading bombarded me with all kinds of spyware and tried to prevent me reading this article when my browser blockers kicked all of it out. TL;DR: Waste of time article from spyware infested blog site.
October 28, 2019
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Pure Opinion
October 28, 2019
Very clearly an opinion piece (even though it's not labeled as such) in which author Paul Street bounces from thought to thought. Although there are a few statements I agree with and some quotes provided, this definitely reads like a frustrated author sharing his take on the current climate change debate. Not really worth reading.
October 28, 2019
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Pure Opinion
October 28, 2019
It is simply the story of the author and his experience by participating in the protest. There is no useful information as Jacob B. said before, it is a waste of time to read this article. It will not give you anything you need so you can avoid it.
October 28, 2019
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