Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Make a Show of Force in Queens
October 21, 20195 min read905 words
Published: October 21, 2019  |  5 min read905 words
On Saturday, at Bernie Sanders’s big “Bernie’s Back” rally in Queens, the guest of honor, apart from Sanders himself, was Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Earlier in the week, word came that the young congresswoman, who is the most famous and successful member of the left...
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Make a Show of Force in Queens Read more

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Well Sourced
October 23, 2019
What I usually expect from the New Yorker. Personal observations, not opinions. I saw nothing that wasn't credible, although nothing in the “breaking news!” category, either.
October 23, 2019
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October 21, 2019
This article reports the narrative of what was the intervention of Bernie Sanders in Queens and partly tells what Bernie's ideas for his campaign are. An article a little biased as it speaks only of the Democrats, but if your goal is to get information about Bernie's program, undoubtedly this article will help you.
October 21, 2019
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October 21, 2019
Although it reads at times like an op-ed, I found the piece to be very balanced in its coverage of the event. Author Eric Lach brings up the main points you'd expect, such as Bernie's heart-attack and the role his age has played in the race, but he doesn't use it as an opportunity to sensationalize Bernie's health where other authors might. I'm glad to see that he also included the bit about Michael Moore listing off issues that are "too old", which was a powerful moment that I witnessed myself when watching some of the events live stream.
October 21, 2019
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Political Agenda
October 21, 2019
The Democratic National Committee has a wonderful piece of propaganda here; however, this is NOT news.
October 21, 2019
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