AMC Theatres launches streaming service in latest blow to Netflix
October 21, 20194 min read807 words
Published: October 21, 2019  |  4 min read807 words
ShareAMC is the first cinema chain to launch a streaming service, adding to a wave of new competition from Disney, Apple and othersIn the latest blow to Netflix Inc., AMC Theatres, the biggest cinema chain in the world, said Tuesday it is launching a streaming service that will a...
AMC Theatres launches streaming service in latest blow to Netflix Read more

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Great Context
October 21, 2019
Article discusses the AMC service, and provides context for the impact this will have on streaming services. Good read, and well sourced
October 21, 2019
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Well Sourced
October 21, 2019
This is a very thorough and well-sourced article. The video streaming space is certainly heating up quickly, and I've personally been waiting for a product offering like this which will allow me to rent box office films from home. A nice article that also outlines the relevant companies' stock prices.
October 21, 2019
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Great Context
October 22, 2019
This is essentially just an announcement of the new AMC streaming platform and more context about what other streaming platforms are out there. I don't really get why it's being compared to Netflix since you still have to buy or rent the movies which seems like a very different business model, more like competition to Xfinity's OnDemand then anything else. Interesting thoughts on how it'll affect movie goer abundance though.
October 22, 2019
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Well Sourced
October 21, 2019
An article full of information and data regarding the launch of the AMC streaming service. Very interesting, I highly recommend it.
October 21, 2019
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