UC Berkeley Was About to Launch a Satellite. Then PG&E Said It Was Cutting Power
October 16, 20195 min read1057 words
Published: October 16, 2019  |  5 min read1057 words
as the workday was winding down, Paula Milano received a phone call that threw her week into chaos. Milano, who helps run the Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, had been gearing up for a satellite launch. But on the phone now was a friend of hers, with bad news: PG&E, ...
UC Berkeley Was About to Launch a Satellite. Then PG&E Said It Was Cutting Power Read more

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Great Context3
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5 reviews


Great Context
October 21, 2019
An excellent piece which almost reads like a science fiction tale. Proves the old adage that sometimes life is stranger than fiction. Well-written and sourced. Very good expository quotes and commentary. Extremely relevant contextually, particularly with regard to the broader issue of how vital the proper functioning is of, in this case the electricity grid, but all public utilities. The prospective reader will come away well-informed as to not only how this incident played out, ultimately successfully, but how interruptions in power supply can have far broader consequences than simply being unable to run the dishwasher. A decidedly worthwhile read.
October 21, 2019
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Great Context
October 16, 2019
A nice story about a very unique impact of the recent power cut offs in California. Illustrates the issues with the current anti-fire problem without being biased on PG&E.
October 16, 2019
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October 18, 2019
A very interesting story about what's happening in california and how the students have adapted to fight the shut down problem
October 18, 2019
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Great Context
October 16, 2019
A very well written article packed full of context around this unique power outage situation. The author provided plenty of sources, remained balanced throughout the piece, and even explained why the power outages were occurring and exactly how the UC Berkeley team went about addressing it in time for their satellite launch.
October 16, 2019
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