Scientists Have Found a Woman Whose Eyes Have a Whole New Type of Colour Receptor
June 3, 20204 min read829 words
Published: June 3, 2020  |  4 min read829 words
After more than 25 years of searching, neuroscientists in the UK recently announced that they've discovered a woman who has an extra type of cone cell - the receptor cells that detect colour - in her eyes.According to estimates, that means she can see an incredible 99 million mor...
Scientists Have Found a Woman Whose Eyes Have a Whole New Type of Colour Receptor Read more

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December 14, 2020
Wow, what an incredibly interesting finding and well-written article to bring the discovery to life for readers. This piece does a great job of exciting readers in the same way researchers are excited by the finding, while still grounding the reader in the fact that the discovery has not yet been peer-reviewed, replicated, or truly verified.
December 14, 2020
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Great Context
December 15, 2020
Very interesting article about tetrachromats, and how the studies in this field are being conducted. I heard about women seeing more colors than men, but this 12% of the women population being four-coned is surprising! I like how the content was organized in a way to introduce new information that always looks complementary to the previous one. Well explained and structured. I got excited and curious about reading this one.
December 15, 2020
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