Women are struggling to find men who make as much money as they do
September 30, 20193 min read565 words
Published: September 30, 2019  |  3 min read565 words
A good man is hard to find, especially in this economy.The country is facing a crisis of broke dudes, according to from Cornell University — and it’s left successful ladies single and disgruntled.In the study, published , Cornell sociologists explored America’s declining marriage...
Women are struggling to find men who make as much money as they do Read more

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Anecdotal Evidence
September 30, 2019
Pure substanceless speculation based primarily on anecdotal evidence. As a writer, and perhaps for the prospective reader as well, I find the repeated use of the word "dude" particularly obnoxious. Not a worthwhile read by any stretch of the imagination. And, not in any way credible reporting.
September 30, 2019
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October 1, 2019
Sensationalist headline and selected quotes trying to endorse the study. The author links as reference another of her articles, similar to this, based in the same study, but shallower. I’m curious about how was the selection of people to interview.
October 1, 2019
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Study Misinterpreted
September 30, 2019
The story being told here does not match with the actual conclusions from the study. It also tosses all of the nuance. It also does not address the caveats or issues with the original study. It then uses some anecdotes to support this conclusion they come to.
September 30, 2019
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Anecdotal Evidence
September 30, 2019
Almost the entirety of the evidence provided in this article are are anecdotal experiences of a handful of seemingly randomly selected women. It makes for a sensationalist, clickbaity article completely void of substance.
September 30, 2019
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September 30, 2019
Generalizations, anecdotal evidence, and one sided. Its true that this is the case more so than ever before, but to say men need to "get with the program" because women make more money?... I'll be looking to see if this author has written about gender and pay gap inequality. I bet it would be an interesting but wasteful use of my time.
September 30, 2019
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Great Context
September 30, 2019
Many men have failed the society evwn the ones raised in upper income parents .
September 30, 2019
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