70 countries have now experienced organized disinformation campaigns
September 26, 20192 min read359 words
Published: September 26, 2019  |  2 min read359 words
You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.The news: An increasing number of countries have experienced coordinated social-media manipulation campaigns. It’s now 70 in total, up from 48 in 2018 and 28 in 2017, according to by researchers at Oxford University. What does that ...
70 countries have now experienced organized disinformation campaigns Read more

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Surface Level
September 26, 2019
Admittedly, a mildly interesting piece on the referenced subject. Fairly surface level analysis, so to say, on, basically, information warfare at the Nation-State level. Prospective readers, particularly long-time news consumers, will already be aware of this, as it has been a matter-of-record for quite some time in the world of geopolitics, only the methods have changed. A worthwhile read for those newly aware but old hat for the grizzled, international news veterans.
September 26, 2019
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National Bias
November 11, 2019
While at a first glance the small article could seem a quick and informative way to learn about the matter, at a further inspection there is a massive national bias towards the United States. Skimming through the report drafted by the Oxford Univerisity student, the US comes in the top rankings of almost every single graph and infographic presented. The fact that on this little report the US is not mentioned once makes this piece a surface level article with strong national bias.
November 11, 2019
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National Bias
September 26, 2019
The study referenced in the article has a clear national bias in favor of the United States. The US is just as guilty of online misinformation campaigns around the world, and the author either forgot to call this out or is herself falling victim to a national bias. This is a story worth reporting on, but there should be more intellectual honestly when covering this subject and identifying the worst actors.
September 26, 2019
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National Bias
September 26, 2019
The US govt is by far the most massive exporter of state propaganda and influence campaigns, dwarfing any efforts by the other offending countries in this article. Apparently when the US does it, it doesn't count? Only those countries who call out western propaganda are considered "disinformation" while those who push the latest CIA lies are a-ok, according to this biased article.
September 26, 2019
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