What impeachment means and how the process works
September 25, 20193 min read601 words
Published: September 25, 2019  |  3 min read601 words
ShareImpeachment is a constitutional process under which an elected official, including the president, is charged with an offense or offenses warranting removal from office. To impeach is a term meaning to charge or to accuse, and articles of impeachment are in effect an indictme...
What impeachment means and how the process works Read more

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Well Sourced
September 25, 2019
A brief but informative article concerning the referenced matter. It basically reads as a primer for how the noted governmental procedure works. The author lays out the specifics of the process. Historical references and expository quotes are very helpful. A worthwhile read, particularly for those interested in the specific aspects of this matter.
September 25, 2019
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September 25, 2019
Informative about procedure requirements of impeachment. Remains free of taking sides on the current sequence of events.
September 25, 2019
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Well Sourced
September 26, 2019
A very factual article covering the basics of the impeachment process. Avoids political opinion, sticks to the subject matter.
September 26, 2019
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Great Context
September 25, 2019
Well, it appears the campaign for the Dem nomination of ol' Joe "hey, where are you going with that foot in your mouth" Biden will soon collapse. In the long-term, then, the possibility inreases greatly of the Dems nominating Sanders, the only Dem candidate who can defeat His Hairness (aka "Trump"). The only questions are: 1) why is HH so intimidated by Biden to have bothered to pull this stunt, completely independently of it possibly triggering impeachment hearings ... about which HH presumably could not care less, since, see next 2) what stunt will he use on Warren, on Sanders ??... because, if the Dems do really impeach, there will be NO conviction in the senate and HH will be free to try new and exciting impeachable actions.
September 25, 2019
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