Amazon’s Allbirds clone shows its relentless steamrolling of brands
September 23, 20192 min read337 words
Published: September 23, 2019  |  2 min read337 words
By Reporter based in New YorkPublished September 22, 2019In its pursuit of being “the Everything Store,” Amazon has been known to copy popular items and for cheaper.Allbirds now appears to be the latest target. Billing them as “the world’s most comfortable shoes,” Allbirds create...
Amazon’s Allbirds clone shows its relentless steamrolling of brands Read more

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public reviews: 4
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Surface Level
September 24, 2019
A very superficial look at what is and has been a long-running problem in the realm of intellectual property. Readers will note (which goes unremarked upon in the piece) that the referenced issue is not just ascribable to the referenced company, but often large nations engage wholesale in the same practice. The piece is fairly biased and offers no substantive commentary from the accused firm. Not particularly helpful or informative for the prospective reader in that scant context is provided. Not a worthwhile read.
September 24, 2019
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September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019
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September 23, 2019
Though the article tries to be balanced, it doesn't go so far as to say that this is not a new practice - small and big retailers alike have been doing this for decades. The point of IP law is to stop this practice when it's unlawful. "It makes sense for Amazon to imitate brands—the Amazon name can only stretch so far. And many consumers surely appreciate cheaper alternatives to high-ends brands"
September 23, 2019
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September 24, 2019
This is a solid, brief investigative look into Amazon's most recent "cloning" of the Allbirds sneaker. It gives some context as to how Amazon has cloned other products in the past, and how they appear to promote their own brands more heavily on A newsworthy story and one competitors to Amazon seem helpless to fight back against. I agree with other reviewers that the piece is somewhat surface level.
September 24, 2019
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Surface Level
September 23, 2019
This is surface level, though it is discussing a serious topic about IP and the relevant safeguards/abuses. There is not sufficient information, or reliable sources that can give enough information to make an intelligent decision. There is also no commentary from Amazon, etc.
September 23, 2019
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