EPA drops rule requiring mining companies to have money to clean up pollution
January 17, 20182 min read472 words
Published: January 17, 2018  |  2 min read472 words
AdvertisementBy Associated PressDec 02, 2017 at 8:36 pmBILLINGS, Mont. — President Donald Trump's administration announced Friday that it won't require mining companies to prove they have the financial wherewithal to clean up their pollution, despite an industry legacy of abandon...
EPA drops rule requiring mining companies to have money to clean up pollution Read more

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January 17, 2018
In this article, Matthew Brown does well to inform readers about an EPA law change that allows mining companies to no longer demonstrate that they have the funds necessary to clean up any resulting pollution. This is important because there are often spills of heavy metals into rivers and streams that are cleaned up at taxpayers' expense. The Obama-era law was changed on Dec. 1st and went mostly unreported. Just another of Trump and EPA head Scott Pruit's attempts to revive a coal industry whose decline is inevitable(if we want to combat climate change and/or if renewable energy becomes cheaper).
January 17, 2018
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January 21, 2018
I've just begun to read the article, and one change I'd add would be to link to evidence to back up a statement like this one: despite an industry legacy of abandoned mines that have fouled waterways across the U.S. While I have no doubt that this is true, a link to prove it to those less aware would help I believe. Still reading. After finishing the article I'd continue to say it's accurate. More linked proof would help those who don't have the background in the topic, as mentioned above. Doesn't make it untrustworthy, just not as valuable as it could be.
January 21, 2018
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February 14, 2018
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February 14, 2018
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Lack of Reliable Sources
January 24, 2018
This article failed to supply the links and sourcing needed to make this a completely trusted source for me as a reader. I'd likely be able to find and confirm all of the claims made in this article, but it's the due dilligence of the author, Matthew Brown, to supply this. Otherwise I would've trusted this article.
January 24, 2018
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January 18, 2018
This is in line with Trump and Scott Pruitt’s policy. EPA is no longer protecting the environment.
January 18, 2018
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January 17, 2018
No Comment
January 17, 2018
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