Overweight people more likely to have overweight dogs, Danish study finds
September 20, 20191 min read250 words
Published: September 20, 2019  |  1 min read250 words
Overweight people are more likely to have overweight dogs, partly because they are more likely to feed them treats, Danish researchers said on Wednesday. The study by the University of Copenhagen lends credence to the saying "like owner, like dog", the scientists wrote in the jou...
Overweight people more likely to have overweight dogs, Danish study finds Read more

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Lack of Reliable Sources3
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 3
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3 reviews
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8 reviews


Lack of Reliable Sources
September 20, 2019
An interesting article as far as it goes, but lack of linkage to the quoted study is somewhat problematic. The quotes from the study in question are expository but further points of reference should have been included or linked to. The article posits an interesting connection but further information would have made for a more substantive piece. Nevertheless, the few minutes it takes to read makes it worthwhile.
September 20, 2019
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September 20, 2019
It would greatly benefit from a link to the article[1] that it cites, not linking to this makes it harder for someone else to verify the data. I verified the P-values, and read the article, and it seems solid. Even a link to the press release[2], would help it's credibility. [1]: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2019.104730 [2]: https://www.science.ku.dk/english/press/news/2019/overweight-danes-are-more-likely-to-have-overweight-dogs-according-to-new-research/
September 20, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
November 18, 2019
In a small article where the entire focus is a research paper, not linking the paper itself is a major issue! While the article seems credible it lacks reliable resources.
November 18, 2019
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Lack of Reliable Sources
September 20, 2019
I want to believe the study being referenced in this brief article, but the study isn't linked and there appears to be no way to easily click through to the source material. Perhaps there is no online version of the study, but the author could have at least included a link to the organization that did the research.
September 20, 2019
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