Bernie Sanders voters helped Trump win and here's proof
August 30, 20172 min read408 words
Published: August 30, 2017  |  2 min read408 words
ShareBernie Sanders supporters switched their allegiance to Donald Trump in large enough numbers last November to sway the election for the real estate billionaire, according to an analysis of voter data released Tuesday by the blog . Since Trump's shock victory over Hillary Clin...
Bernie Sanders voters helped Trump win and here's proof Read more

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September 1, 2017
The only reference throughout the article is behind a paywall, making it impossible for the reader to access the raw numbers behind the conclusion the author makes. The graph presented does not show what the title and the article talk about: it does not show that the majority of B. Sanders voters caused Trump to win the election. Plus, the fact that Trump's tweet is pasted twice, and that the author tends to repeat himself throughout the piece, makes me think that overall this article hasn't been thought through.
September 1, 2017
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September 1, 2017
The article assumes that since Sanders was on the Democratic side, once he lost the primaries (and we all know now how) automagically all his supporters HAD to vote for Clinton. That is a completely wrong assumption and speculation, a good number of Democratic voters, knowing what was happening, voted anybody else but Clinton. Trump won the elections not because some Sanders supporters voted for him in the key states, but because Clinton was in the eyes of the those voters "un-votable" under any circumstances.
September 1, 2017
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August 30, 2017
The thesis for this article is based on a claim from Political Wire, a blog and its data that you cannot access without paying for a subscription. It turns out, Newsweek hired Jonathan Broder of Congressional Quarterly, who also has a content partnership with Political Wire. That being said, the graph depicting the partisan breakdown of Sander voters in the primaries and who they voted for in the presidential election clearly shows the 12% of Strong Republican and Republican voters who voted for Trump. However, this article makes it seem like a majority of Bernie Sanders voters caused Trump to win the election.
August 30, 2017
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August 30, 2017
This article claims to have proof that Bernie supporters helped Trump win the election. The entire article assumes that Clinton should have received Bernie supporters votes once he lost in the primaries, as opposed to the blaming Clinton for policies and a campaign that was unable to win over voters. Votes are meant to be won and earned, not assumed. Apart from that, the real problem with this article is the way the way an analysis from Political Wire has been misinterpreted by author Jason Le Miere. It is true that 12% of Bernie voters later voted for Trump in the General Election. The context the author conveniently leaves out is that the vast majority of that 12% were actually Republicans prior to 2016. So what this article has done is take a strength of Bernie Sanders, specifically his ability to win over Republican voters, and flipped it into a negative. Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk has a terrific video outlining the problems with this article that you can view here:
August 30, 2017
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August 30, 2017
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August 30, 2017
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August 31, 2017
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August 31, 2017
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