Brave New Normal (Part 2)
May 20, 20206 min read1261 words
Published: May 20, 2020  |  6 min read1261 words
[…] Brave New Normal (Part 2) […]“It is this reification of the official narrative by those too ashamed to admit what they did (and try to determine why they did it), and not the narrative or the propaganda itself, that will eventually establish the “Brave New Normal” as “reality...
Brave New Normal (Part 2) Read more

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Great Context
May 20, 2020
This is a fantastic op-ed or "hot take" on government overreach in response to or under the guise of reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although this article takes a glass-half-empty look at Americans' willingness to relinquish certain freedoms, some of its harsh characterizations are undeniably true. There may very well be justifications for why Americans and other world citizens have handed over such extreme freedoms, but this article honestly explores just how many freedoms have been sacrificed.
May 20, 2020
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Well Sourced
May 20, 2020
Brilliant op-ed on many authoritarian moves being made by world govts right now being justified by pandemic response. Chock full of links to direct source material for all of the many, many claims made. Unusual for an op-ed (author is clearly not a fan of rising fascism) to be so well sourced by solid facts & evidence. Would be great if deeply researched journalism like this showed up in mainstream media.
May 20, 2020
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