Bannon returns to Breitbart News as executive chairman
August 19, 20173 min read662 words
Published: August 19, 2017  |  3 min read662 words
Steve Bannon, who previously ran the populist news site before joining President Donald Trump's campaign, left his West Wing post earlier on Friday.Steve Bannon on Friday returned to Breitbart News as executive chairman, just hours after officially being ousted as White House chi...
Bannon returns to Breitbart News as executive chairman Read more

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August 21, 2017
The article fires accusations without supporting them with enough references. The author tries to depict the scene he wants the author to believe misrepresenting the situation and leading to a biased piece of news.
August 21, 2017
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August 19, 2017
Just the mention of Trump running in 2020 was scary to read....not to mention the power that they think Bannon has. I'm grateful he is out, but I'm sure it's not the last we hear of him. The article seems to have alot of ligitimate quotes and does not appear to be too biased.
August 19, 2017
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August 19, 2017
There was a lot about Cristiano's writing style and choice of words that I disliked. Many of the terms are constructed together in this article to support the proposed conclusion that Bannon leaving the White House will end Trump's presidency. The "new Bannon era" "Donald Trump became Arnold Schwarzenegger" "#War" and "prepping for war" are inflammatory words intended to create the picture that our world rests on cliff edge once again... That being said, everything mentioned in this article was said by those individuals and the meeting did happen. In these regards, I disagree with the author's conclusion but trust the information presented.
August 19, 2017
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Pure Opinion
August 19, 2017
Interesting article. The author reported fairly well on the events that have recently taken place with Bannon leaving the presidential administration and returning to Breitbart. The only issue I have with this is the author proceeded to send the message that this was clearly the turning point for trump and his political support. I can think of several other events that have all equally contributed to a steady decline in trump's credibility and support, but everyone has their opinion. And that is exactly what review this article shall receive.
August 19, 2017
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August 19, 2017
The article summarizes some of what is known so far about Bannon's exit from the White House while focusing mostly on how his departure plays into the future plans of Breitbart News. It also provides insight into how the Alt-Right, as represented by the Breitbart editor (who is the primary source for this article) views the Trump administration.
August 19, 2017
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August 19, 2017
This article covers an important series of events that are just now beginning to unfold. This article lacks enough reliable sources for the claims and quotes it makes, especially when it claims things that Bannon has said to unnamed friends. As far as the context around Bannon's firing, it's worth noting that Bannon was not fired for his white nationalist sympathies, but instead for how he claimed in an interview that there are no military actions possible against North Korea because it would mean millions dead in South Korea. This runs counter to Trump's aggressive rhetoric, so Trump's firing of Bannon shows how intent Trump is on possible military action against North Korea.
August 19, 2017
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