A Republican ‘Shadow Campaign’ to Potentially Replace Trump in 2020 Is Underway, NYT Reports
August 10, 20172 min read340 words
Published: August 10, 2017  |  2 min read340 words
There is a “Republican shadow campaign for 2020” already in the works.That’s the news from today on how people in President Trump‘s own party are operating “as if the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue weren’t involved.”Trump’s already running for reelection––holding ca...
A Republican ‘Shadow Campaign’ to Potentially Replace Trump in 2020 Is Underway, NYT Reports Read more

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August 11, 2017
This article itself is factual. It just points to another article. If we were reviewing the NYT report, I'd understand where the credibility issues would come from. That report contains a lot of speculation and prejudgments, I mean the president literally just got into office and the media is already trying to aim our sights toward the next election. But in my opinion, this article from Mediate has nothing wrong with it.
August 11, 2017
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August 10, 2017
Mostly speculation and a lack of sources make it difficult to contextualize the authors statements. The piece is based off the NYT article, and unfortunately the author doesn't provide any differentiators. Its shorter and direct article, but lacks weight.
August 10, 2017
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August 10, 2017
The article is entirely based on the New York Times report which itself is based on interviews with a very large number of Republicans and all the quotes are actually referenced to real human beings. It is basically just the Reader's Digest version of the NY Times article. To those who say it is not credible....did you actually check the links? When we determine credibility, it we have take the time to click on the links that substantiate the claims and verify that they really do. In this case, the short little article accurately represents what is in the longer, very credible article in the New York Times.
August 10, 2017
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Lack of Reliable Sources
August 10, 2017
This is just speculation. The NYT doesn't give any source, again. Politicians campaign, that's what they do.
August 10, 2017
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August 11, 2017
Seems like pretty clear political speculation. Would bother reading this article over/and the NYT article linked.
August 11, 2017
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August 10, 2017
I found more information about his potential 2020 presidential campaign in the NYT article linked at the bottom of this article. I would recommend skipping straight to that. The title is pretty misleading.
August 10, 2017
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August 10, 2017
Didn't find much content in this article.
August 10, 2017
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Financial Incentive
August 10, 2017
Generally speculative.
August 10, 2017
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August 10, 2017
This user only left a rating
August 10, 2017
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August 11, 2017
A summary of a NYT article with less information leading to even more speculation than the original article. Well written but unnecessary.
August 11, 2017
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Pure Opinion
August 14, 2017
Clearly this is gossip
August 14, 2017
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August 10, 2017
This article is mostly wishful thinking on the part of the Republican and Democratic establishment. Most of this piece is speculative and it's light on investigative research and context. Kyle Kulinski does a fantastic job breaking down this article in this segment here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOyFnyLq7tM]
August 10, 2017
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Not Credible
August 10, 2017
Not even to be considered an article. There is no substance at all, and the referencing to the few things mentioned is poor.
August 10, 2017
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August 10, 2017
This doesn't really feel like it's actually news. It's more like an article saying another article exists and then describing the NYtimes article without adding any other value.
August 10, 2017
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Not Credible
August 10, 2017
This piece is a regurgitation of NYT piece (which is linked in the article) but without the additional information, links, or quotes that NYT provides. I want to rate this article as a surface-level article for those reasons.
August 10, 2017
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Financial Incentive
August 10, 2017
Political speculation. Duh
August 10, 2017
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Financial Incentive
August 10, 2017
I don't think there's much substance here...although I do think it's interesting that McCain said there's weakness in this president on the record.
August 10, 2017
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