French Drug Giant Sanofi Takes Heat After Suggesting U.S. May Get 1st Vaccine Access
May 15, 20205 min read918 words
Published: May 15, 2020  |  5 min read918 words
French Drug Giant Sanofi Takes Heat After Suggesting U.S. May Get 1st Vaccine Access An uproar followed comments by Sanofi's CEO that if the company develops a vaccine, doses would likely go to Americans first. The board president later insisted, "Any vaccine will be a public goo...
French Drug Giant Sanofi Takes Heat After Suggesting U.S. May Get 1st Vaccine Access Read more

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May 19, 2020
A fairly balanced look at what has become a superheated issue in the international news of late. This, particularly given the context in which it is occurring. The sourcing, quoting, and commentary are pretty standard fare for a piece of this nature. Generally speaking, both sides of the matter at hand are presented in an unsentimental, just-the-facts, manner. You don't get much here in terms of insight or depth. What you do get is a bit of a taste regarding whose ox is going to get gored and who is doing the goring. All in all just ok. Don't expect anything particularly elucidating. Read it if you want. Take a nap if you don't.
May 19, 2020
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May 19, 2020
Interesting discussion about the opinions of politicians in contrast to the obligations to the group funding the research. This shows part of the disadvantage to having socialized medicine in a sort of tangential way: without big R&D budgets, they must wait for availability once the paying customer is served primarily.
May 19, 2020
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