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140+ Global Leaders Call for Free "People's Vaccine" to Put Human Lives Above Corporate Greed in Fight Against Covid-19 Read more

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Well Sourced
May 15, 2020
A compact and tidy look at the referenced subject. A primer, of sorts, on some steps being taken at the international level regarding one of the important issues facing the global community. Good quotes and commentary provide background and the link to the 'open letter' provides and broadens the context. Additionally, the aforementioned 'letter' is well worth a read in and of itself. The piece is a tad too declarative in its tone but this, in an overall sense, does not detract from the read-worthiness of the work. A worthwhile investment of time even if only for keeping up-to-date with the general goings on worldwide surrounding the matter at hand.
May 15, 2020
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