David Cameron vows to support Rishi Sunak after surprise cabinet comeback
November 13, 20235 min read1045 words
Published: November 13, 2023  |  5 min read1045 words
David Cameron has said he wants to support Prime Minister Rishi Sunak "at a hard time", after making a dramatic comeback to government in a major cabinet reshuffle. The former prime minister has been appointed foreign secretary and accepted a peerage to take the post. He replaced...
David Cameron vows to support Rishi Sunak after surprise cabinet comeback Read more

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Great Context
Nov 14
A fair article, this explained the new support from a member of the UK Parliament towards the Prime Minister during this hard time. The article gave great context to the situation of UK politics and had many quotes from David Cameron (the Parliament member) about his stance towards the PM. There were many out bound links about other things going on in the parliament, and the article did a great job of explaining each angle in fair manner. Not much citation, however there were a lot of direct quotes that helped support the message. Other information, like who won what race, is public knowledge and doesn't necessarily need reference.
Nov 14
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