Chicago’s Terrible Plan To Force School Children Into The Military
July 10, 20174 min read814 words
Published: July 10, 2017  |  4 min read814 words
(Opinion) — Chicago, Illinois, has a chronic inflated state problem disguised as a schooling problem. In order to eradicate the symptom, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has decided to attack those who suffer from it and not the actual root of the problem — adopting a classic “more of the same...
Chicago’s Terrible Plan To Force School Children Into The Military Read more

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Pure Opinion
August 20, 2019
Even though the article states to be an opinion piece right at the beginning, it fails to provide anything else throughout the entirety of the piece. While opinion pieces should be included in e newspaper's pool of articles, I truly believe they would benefit from a grounding in critical and unbiased facts, leaving the opinion part almost as an addendum at the end of the article. Articles like this one, that focus entire on the author's opinion, leave no space for the reader to develop his own idea on the matter.
August 20, 2019
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Slippery Slope
July 10, 2017
Although the gravity of the situation is heavy regarding the military complex this decision would help continue to funnel, the article's reasoning itself is a slippery slope.
July 10, 2017
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Pure Opinion
July 10, 2017
The author states at the very beginning of the article that it is, in fact, an opinion piece. Although there's a time and place for opinion pieces, I believe the public would benefit from more objective reporting and less politically charged opinion pieces. With opinion pieces, no matter who convincing the argument, it will be seen as biased by a group of the reading audience which then makes the article impossible to use in support of further policy change. Ideally, reporting should remain objective enough to be used as evidence when crafting policy.
July 10, 2017
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