Instead of Killing the US Postal System, Let’s Expand It
May 7, 20204 min read821 words
Published: May 7, 2020  |  4 min read821 words
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Instead of Killing the US Postal System, Let’s Expand It Read more

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Great Context3
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 5
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6 reviews


Great Context
May 8, 2020
I'm going start with what I usually end with. Five stars! An absolutely stellar piece of public interest journalism. Well-written, sourced, and thought out. The Author spares no intellectual expense laying out the case for the proffered proposition. The historical points of reference are alone worth the price of admission. The piece reads like a full-on government policy proposal.. Exemplary and duly considered opinion bolstered by facts and figures. Not a word or sentence wasted. A super-duper worthwhile read.
May 8, 2020
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Well Sourced
May 8, 2020
A comprehensive history and explanation of our US postal system (focused on its purpose) as well as an innovative approach to how we can capitalize on its unique network to inform and connect the masses living in the outskirts of our country. Brilliant.
May 8, 2020
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Great Context
May 8, 2020
In this op-ed, Victor Pickard introduces a novel idea to expand the USPS to include subsidized local media services. It's a very interesting idea which he eloquently argues might be needed to save democracy and local/regional journalism.
May 8, 2020
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Great Context
May 8, 2020
Not much fact, but chock full of “outside the box” thinking about possible uses associated with the USPS which, by the way, is enshrined in the US Constitution (article 1, section 8, clause 7).
May 8, 2020
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1 Comment
Pure Opinion
May 8, 2020
Reads more like an opinion piece attaching a bunch of random issues (lack of broadband, lack of funding for journalism) to the current hot topic of whether the Post Office should be saved. Not sure why all these issues are being connected by the author, article reads like a series of loosely connected ideas that apparently increasing funding for the post office is supposed to solve?
May 8, 2020
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Political Agenda
May 8, 2020
Op Ed with bad premise is just another Op Ed with bad premise. The opinions of a journalist are not solicited or appreciated. The reality of this is that our post office is constantly bankrupt, but Fedex, UPS, and DHL are multibillion dollar successful companies. The postal system is the cracked facade exposing how flawed socialism itself is, and how terrible the government is at managing anything even as simple as mailing letters. If anything, the USPS is the poster child for the failings of government and the mismanagement of anything it touches...people who think the government should be expanded are clearly not viewing this through an objective lens.
May 8, 2020
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