New Google Rules Aim to Boost Original Reporting in Search Results
September 12, 20192 min read354 words
Published: September 12, 2019  |  2 min read354 words
Google said Thursday that it has recently adjusted its algorithms and the guidelines used by the people that rate its search results to elevate original reporting. Why it matters: The moves aim to provide an incentive for news organizations to focus on fresh reporting as opposed...
New Google Rules Aim to Boost Original Reporting in Search Results Read more

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Surface Level
September 14, 2019
Basically, an, as noted, surface level look at the changes the referenced company is making to its technology to better improve access to and visibility of more varied news sources, particularly those engaging in original reporting. Some new information is provided in a broad sense, but without the benefit of contextual depth. Generally, a worthwhile read, but not a vital one in any specific sense.
September 14, 2019
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Surface Level
September 13, 2019
Surface level article, with little to no information, and links to massive documents (google's entire guidelines document) or other surface level articles from the same website. While the author manages to remain unbiased, the article provides so little information on the topic that it has to be deemed not credible because of a surface level approach to the topic.
September 13, 2019
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September 14, 2019
The information is credible and was presented quickly in an easy to read way. The article is balanced because it gives broad context as to why Google is making this decision now. It lacks some depth but would need the results of Google's changes to do so.
September 14, 2019
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Surface Level
September 13, 2019
This is a pretty surface level piece with very little new information being reported. With that said, the article is accurate, unbiased, and includes quotes directly from Google's Richard Gingras.
September 13, 2019
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