Amateur astronomers may have spotted the second interstellar object ever found
September 12, 20192 min read380 words
Published: September 12, 2019  |  2 min read380 words
Click to Skip AdClosing in...The astronomy community was buzzing in late 2017 after an object believed to have originated from outside our solar system was spotted and back out into interstellar space. Observations of the object sparked a debate among scientists who couldn’t deci...
Amateur astronomers may have spotted the second interstellar object ever found Read more

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Well Sourced3
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critic reviews: 1
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public reviews: 3
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21 reviews
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9 reviews


Well Sourced
September 12, 2019
Brief but well-written and well-sourced piece regarding a fascinating subject. The author does an excellent job of making the facts of the referenced matter easily accessible, particularly to the layman. A worthwhile read especially for those with an inclination toward the scientific.
September 12, 2019
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Well Sourced
September 19, 2019
Brief, well written and well sourced article that appeals to non-experts in the astronomy field. The article does a good job of providing a generic context around the happening and links enough direct sources and tweets (containing other relevant sources) that enable interested readers to carry on reading.
September 19, 2019
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September 13, 2019
This is a great story to follow and I'm glad it's being covered. I appreciate the author's lack of speculation and refusal to turn this story into a clickbait headline. Although there's not much reporting around where these objects came from or what they might teach scientists, it's a fun read and overall well written.
September 13, 2019
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Well Sourced
September 12, 2019
This article provides facts, sources some twitter posts (though they link to more scholarly things), and shows the hypothetical orbit.
September 12, 2019
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