145 CEOs demand action on gun violence | CNN Business
September 12, 20193 min read540 words
Published: September 12, 2019  |  3 min read540 words
MarketsFeaturedFear & Greed IndexLatestBy , CNN BusinessLink Copied!Ad Feedback — 145 have demanding the US government take action on gun violence.Their plea, which follows the recent rash of mass shootings, is among Corporate America’s strongest statements yet agai...
145 CEOs demand action on gun violence | CNN Business Read more

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Political Agenda3
critic score
critic reviews: 1
public score
public reviews: 4
critic score
41 reviews
public score
232 reviews
critic score
1 reviews
public score
7 reviews


Political Agenda
September 13, 2019
A one-sided, clearly biased piece regarding the referenced issue. It reads as a regurgitation of previous points already much discussed in some political and public circles. It is borderline pure opinion and breaks no new ground in the broader discourse over the issue. Prospective readers should be wary of the overtly political agenda being proffered as actual journalism. Not a worthwhile read unless one is inclined toward confirming their own biases on the matter.
September 13, 2019
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Political Agenda
September 20, 2019
While this piece is factually correct, CEOs did send a letter, this quote shows the slant of the reporter, "Their plea, which follows the recent rash of mass shootings, is among Corporate America's strongest statements yet against America's gun violence epidemic." Unless the author would use "epidemic" to describe auto accidents and swimming pool deaths, he's writing from an agenda and not a desire to report facts.
September 20, 2019
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Well Sourced
September 15, 2019
Everything in this story appeared to be a factual summary of the positions taken by notable figures in American life. Yes, these figures have banded together to take a political position that obviously is not today's consensus. I cut my rating from 5 stars because the cynic in me wants to see something more concrete than high-minded concerns. There is no indication of what regulations, taxes, business changes or anything else that these execs would be willing to suffer in order to have the outcomes they call for. But I have no doubt these businesspeople want to get the message out that they are aligned with efforts to cut violence. The story has a couple of useful points such as definition of red-flag laws that some readers will appreciate knowing, regardless of their personal beliefs about the benefit or harm of new laws along those lines.
September 15, 2019
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Stacking the Deck
September 13, 2019
The article simply reports on a recent letter by CEO's calling upon Congress to enact greater gun control laws. Although it's mostly reporting on the letter's details, it does feel overall to be a bit one-sided, framing the CEO's actions as urgent and neccesary, without any opposing view points mentioned.
September 13, 2019
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Political Agenda
September 12, 2019
This story is one sided, and does not present information from the opposing point of view.
September 12, 2019
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