Florida’s anti-immigration law targets disaster relief workers
September 29, 20237 min read1445 words
Published: September 29, 2023  |  7 min read1445 words
Hurricane Ian’s raging winds and nearly 13-foot storm tide moved like a “slow tsunami” as it overtook Sanibel Island, destroying everything in its wake. The worst storm in a century washed away sections of the three-mile causeway that connects this mostly wealthy community to Sou...
Florida’s anti-immigration law targets disaster relief workers Read more

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Political Agenda
Oct 1
This has a strong pro-immigration tilt to it, but the focus on a single worker and the need for disaster relief in FL during hurricanes makes it hard to argue against. What that tells you is that this is an incredibly well-written op-ed. Good persuasive writing.
Oct 1
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Stacking the Deck
Oct 2
This was a one-sided story, focusing on illegal immigrants doing restoration work after a natural disaster to gain sympathy, but not discussing the number of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. each year and how that effects our economy and government services. I appreciate the personal story of this individual, but reporting should also highlight the overall, wide lens look at the immigration crisis.
Oct 2
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