Elon Musk's Twitter Blue is a verified disaster
April 26, 20239 min read1719 words
Published: April 26, 2023  |  9 min read1719 words
The great Twitter tire fire continues. When last we checked in on Elon Musk's newest moves to make previously popular social network Twitter into a far-right hellsite of disinformation and petty scams, he was picking a weird fight with NPR while intentionally sabotaging the site ...
Elon Musk's Twitter Blue is a verified disaster Read more

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Hit Piece
April 26, 2023
This is not a serious article and is just another vague hit piece on Elon Musk and Twitter. the article begins, "The great Twitter tire fire continues. When last we checked in on Elon Musk's newest moves to make previously popular social network Twitter into a far-right hellsite of disinformation and petty scams..." If you'd like to do a proper takedown of Musk or Twitter, you're better off relying on facts and objective reporting because these heavily biased and surface level opinion pieces come off as petty and shallow to the reader.
April 26, 2023
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