Asteroid named after pope behind Gregorian calendar reform
March 2, 20234 min read762 words
Published: March 2, 2023  |  4 min read762 words
Pope Gregory XIII, the 16th century pontiff responsible for what is today known as the Gregorian calendar, now has another, celestial claim to fame. A working group of the International Astronomical Union has named an asteroid after him, the Vatican Observatory said Tuesday.The “...
Asteroid named after pope behind Gregorian calendar reform Read more

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Great Context
March 24, 2023
Short little article tells us the story of how asteroids are named and how Pope Gregory's birth name was chosen for one of the many asteroids named on February 27's update of the union’s Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature. It is succinct and clear in its intention and is backed by verifiable sources.
March 24, 2023
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