Sen. Bernie Sanders proposes guaranteed minimum teacher salary of $60,000 nationwide
March 13, 20236 min read1252 words
Published: March 13, 2023  |  6 min read1252 words
The Pay Teachers Act aims to address staffing shortages while recruiting and retaining teachers — many of whom are historically underpaid. Long hours. Low morale. Little pay. These are just some of the reasons researchers say that many states face a teacher shortage that the Gr...
Sen. Bernie Sanders proposes guaranteed minimum teacher salary of $60,000 nationwide Read more

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March 14, 2023
This article is terrific, I really enjoyed reading and learning about what is being done for the low wage for teachers. This article hit all the points on which states need teachers and how the bill is moving through the government. The only reason this article received a 4.5 instead of a 5 is because they didn't give a counter argument as to why they have not done this already.
March 14, 2023
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March 15, 2023
The article was a nice read and very well sourced, but I have to agree with reviewer Yazan that the piece fails to present the other side of the argument or provide context as to why teachers are currently paid what they are.
March 15, 2023
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