Some Blunt Observations on a Trump Candidacy  ⋆ Brownstone Institute
November 25, 20221 min read108 words
Published: November 25, 2022  |  1 min read108 words
Skip to contentCountless people have been censored for the mere suggestion that we may need an inquiry into why all these elites suddenly felt it appropriate to…Read MoreWe have here a revealing account of astonishing testimony from Fauci, which, to those of us who have followed ...
Some Blunt Observations on a Trump Candidacy  ⋆ Brownstone Institute Read more

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Great Context
November 30, 2022
This article reflects what many traditional Republicans have told me. I remember the evening when Trump announced, I walked into the next room full of traditional Republicans that were smiling about the news of a missile hitting Poland change to frowns when I announced Trump was running for President in 2024. This article does not quite convey the sickness found among traditional Republicans and their thirst for proxy wars. But it does accurately reflect that you may as well tell a traditional Republican one of their children died because it is as somber an experience as telling them Trump is running on their ticket again.
November 30, 2022
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