With homicide the leading cause of maternal mortality, new research shows a link to firearms and intimate partner violence
September 8, 20225 min read902 words
Published: September 8, 2022  |  5 min read902 words
regnancy is risky, and Naima Joseph sees the perils firsthand every day. For some patients, it might be a cardiac injury, their heart issues worsened by having to pump enough blood for two. For others, it might be a uterine infection, or a hemorrhage, or a case of pre-eclampsia.T...
With homicide the leading cause of maternal mortality, new research shows a link to firearms and intimate partner violence Read more

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Study Misinterpreted
September 29, 2022
The article goes through some data regarding the leading causes of death for women during pregnancy. The study it links to indicates that the number one death cause might be a homicide, but the author also mentions that 68% of the data had to be discarded for the study because it didn’t specify if the woman was pregnant or not. If more than half of the data points were discarded, it’s impossible to reach a conclusion such as the one this article indicates, which is reason enough to rate it as a mistake.
September 29, 2022
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