Beto O'Rourke Wants to Overturn Texas Abortion Ban So Babies are Killed Again -
August 24, 20222 min read482 words
Published: August 24, 2022  |  2 min read482 words
XBeto O’Rourke wants to take Texas back to a time when killing unborn babies in abortions for any reason is legal.In an interview Tuesday, the  gubernatorial candidate claimed a “vibrant, thriving democracy” does not protect unborn babies from abortion, .O’Rourke, ...
Beto O'Rourke Wants to Overturn Texas Abortion Ban So Babies are Killed Again - Read more

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Political Agenda
August 27, 2022
Acting more as an electoral campaign for Governor Greg Abbott's re-election, and more specifically, against candidate Beto O'Rourke, the article portrays O'Rourke as a villain and Abbott as the good guy. The author's main focus, of course, is on the candidate's position on abortion, his plans to make Texas a state where abortions are legal once again, and how that's bad for society.
August 27, 2022
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