MSNBC: It's OK to Kill Babies in Abortions if You Just "Don't Want The Child" -
August 23, 20222 min read374 words
Published: August 23, 2022  |  2 min read374 words
XKaty Tur turned the Tuesday edition of MSNBC Reports into a giant advertisement for Planned Parenthood and abortion while declaring a woman might seek an abortion for many reasons, including “you don’t want the child.”During a conversation with the COO of Planned Parenthood Grea...
MSNBC: It's OK to Kill Babies in Abortions if You Just "Don't Want The Child" - Read more

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Financial Incentive
August 27, 2022
This one is unmistakably biased, seeing as it's explicitly sponsored by a cleaning products manufacturer, Downy, who's an advertiser directly related to the 'Conservatives Fight Back' media monitoring movement. It's a report on an MSNBC Reports interview done with the COO of an abortion clinic from Indiana, which served as outright left-wing propaganda, endorsing the practice of abortion and hormonal treatment for teenagers.
August 27, 2022
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