OBGYN Confirms Abortion Bans Don't Block Treatment for Miscarriages and Ectopic Pregnancies - LifeNews.com
August 24, 20224 min read742 words
Published: August 24, 2022  |  4 min read742 words
XDr. Christina Francis wants women and doctors to know that pro-life laws do not put anyone’s lives at risk.Quite the opposite, the new pro-life laws across the country are  and  and .In , Francis, an OB-GYN in Indiana, refuted false claims that abor...
OBGYN Confirms Abortion Bans Don't Block Treatment for Miscarriages and Ectopic Pregnancies - LifeNews.com Read more

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August 27, 2022
Dr. Christina Francis addressed some misconceptions about the recent ban on abortion laws and how they do not disturb the work of the doctor in caring for the mother's health, contrary to what pro-abortion activists claim. She also cleared up some confusion about the term 'abortion' and the response it elicits outside of the medical field, differentiating between 'spontaneous' and 'induced' abortion.
August 27, 2022
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