Poll Shows 74% of Americans and Even 70% of Democrats Support Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers - LifeNews.com
August 23, 20222 min read432 words
Published: August 23, 2022  |  2 min read432 words
XAmericans aren’t buying into U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s ridiculous claims that pro-life pregnancy centers “torture” women and need to be “shut down.”A new poll from CRC Research found strong public support for these pro-life nonprofits and the services they provide to hundreds...
Poll Shows 74% of Americans and Even 70% of Democrats Support Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers - LifeNews.com Read more

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August 27, 2022
After US Senator Elizabeth Warren publicly claimed that pregnancy centres' torture' women and 'need to be shut down,' research by CRC Research shows that two out of three Americans think these centres are positive for society and should be maintained by government funds. The article goes on to cite more data about how beneficial they are, as well as the attacks they've been under recently.
August 27, 2022
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