Germany to Provide Over 1 Billion Euros’ Military Aid to Ukraine
April 18, 20222 min read408 words
Published: April 18, 2022  |  2 min read408 words
The German government on Friday said it plans to release more than a billion euros in military aid for Ukraine, amid complaints by Kyiv it is not receiving heavy weapons from Berlin.The funds will feature in a supplementary budget for this year.In total, taking into account all c...
Germany to Provide Over 1 Billion Euros’ Military Aid to Ukraine Read more

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National Bias
August 8, 2022
Interesting article brought forward, and again I see how gung ho Germany is to force Russia's hand in this war, and like a sociologist and phycologist said, wining is not the outcome that the world will like in this situation since putting Rusian against the wall just prompts they to take down the ship that is earth down with them. Once again, thank you and goodbye to the readers
August 8, 2022
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