Why Tucker Carlson and the global right wing have taken up the cause of Dutch farmers
July 20, 20228 min read1686 words
Published: July 20, 2022  |  8 min read1686 words
A conspiracy theory over climate change goals is spreading beyond the tractor-clogged highways of the Netherlands.For nearly a month, thousands of Dutch farmers have staged road blockades and other protests across the Netherlands, snarling traffic and grabbing headlines. The farm...
Why Tucker Carlson and the global right wing have taken up the cause of Dutch farmers Read more

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Pure Opinion
July 26, 2022
This article lacks balance and does not bother to provide sources to back claims, it is an opinion hit piece. The article may have come across credible had references to food shortages in nations where fertilizer has been banned were acknowledged; viz, Uganda or Sri Lanka. Common sense dictates backing the farmers in the Netherlands, not political affiliation. Outlawing fertilizer will create an artificial famine, force farmers to sell land, and the property developers will buy land penny on the dollar so they can build more housing and return profits to investors. Just adding this little information or at least, looking into it, could have salvaged this article.
July 26, 2022
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