Israeli Supreme Court Rules the State Can Revoke Convicted Terrorists' Citizenship - Israel News
July 21, 20223 min read548 words
Published: July 21, 2022  |  3 min read548 words
Jul 21, 2022 Jul 21, 2022The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the state is allowed to strip citizenship from people convicted of treason, terrorism or espionage, clarifying that there is no constitutional barrier to prevent the state from doing so, a potentially precedent-settin...
Israeli Supreme Court Rules the State Can Revoke Convicted Terrorists' Citizenship - Israel News Read more

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Great Context
August 2, 2022
Interesting article brought forward, and well done by the courts, telling a monster like those that at least their country will take them back with open arms was sending a bad message to future monsters like them. Once again, thank you and goodbye to the readers.
August 2, 2022
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Surface Level
July 21, 2022
Craving more investigation into the effects of such a decision. Other than the existential crisis of being 'stateless' and how that runs counter to international law, what is the human effect, other than the vague and obvious propensity for discrimination?
July 21, 2022
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