Biden announces climate executive orders tackling extreme heat and support for offshore wind
July 21, 20222 min read336 words
Published: July 21, 2022  |  2 min read336 words
 Please or to continue.Bump StoryPUBLISHED TOTAGSTag HistoryShare this articleSpeaking at one of the most polluting coal-fired power plants in Massachusetts, President Joe Biden announced his plans to address climate change, which include executive orders addressing extreme ...
Biden announces climate executive orders tackling extreme heat and support for offshore wind Read more

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Correlation w/o Causation
August 4, 2022
Interesting article brought forward, and readind this the only impression that I got is that the US takes the global warming problem as something that came out of the left fild treating it as a small problem, disgusting. Once again, thank you and goodbye to the readers.
August 4, 2022
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Begging the Question
July 21, 2022
Has facts and figures enough to provide good context. Unfortunately quickly devolves into an opinion piece that doesn't have enough context to factor in the very extensive circumstances of why someone in charge of everything in the US might be working on two different paths when it comes to climate and energy consumption. Begs the question: we need energy for our AC units so people don't die before we can make a clean perfect switch of energy sources to prevent the high heat in the first place. We're already too late to be doing this 'the right way.' Assumes we're not headed straight toward the same disaster Europe and Texas is in right now with not having the energy infrastructure to handle our current climate crisis.
July 21, 2022
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