Two children among dead in Russian missile attack on Ukraine apartment building
July 1, 20223 min read536 words
Published: July 1, 2022  |  3 min read536 words
At least 19 people, including two children, have been killed in a Russian missile attack on an apartment block and a sports centre in the Odesa region of Ukraine Two children are among 19 people killed by a Russian missile attack in an apartment block and a sports centre in the O...
Two children among dead in Russian missile attack on Ukraine apartment building Read more

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Lack of Reliable Sources
July 1, 2022
This article 'reports' a slate of stories out of the Ukraine, but all of them are nothing more than a repeat of the Ukrainians version of events. Only a single one of the reports bothered to relay the Russian side of the story, while all of the others unquestionably takes the Ukrainian side without bothering to seek out independent or Russian corroboration. Very typical of US/UK propaganda campaign to foment popular support for propping up the Ukrainians.
July 1, 2022
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Stacking the Deck
July 1, 2022
I have to agree with reviewer T M that this article seems to only cite Ukrainian sources. I understand that it might be difficult to find comments from Russian military personnel during wartime on the ground in Ukraine, but it's worth noting that the story, although perhaps accurate, does leave the door open to potentially mislead readers.
July 1, 2022
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