Russia targeting commodities in its war with Ukraine to create food shortages, break West’s resolve
June 29, 202210 min read1947 words
Published: June 29, 2022  |  10 min read1947 words
Mykolaiv, ukraineThe day after a Russian missile struck a Canadian-owned vegetable oil terminal in this southern Ukrainian city, police sealed off the surrounding streets, fearing the Russians might strike it again.Forty-eight hours after the June 22 attack, the police were gone,...
Russia targeting commodities in its war with Ukraine to create food shortages, break West’s resolve Read more

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July 21, 2022
Well, kids, this is called modern warfare tactics by scorched earth...just as I said the modern equivalent of it, if you cant burn their fields or poison their well, you attack the food supply for several advantages. It's ugly but effective.
July 21, 2022
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June 30, 2022
Great sources prove this isn't a guess as to the intention of the attacks, but a solid goal of them. The affects are detailed without leaving out the humanity. It'll probably backfire on Russia to say this out loud. In fighting as to who is causing inflation was keeping us from finding real solutions. Once the international stage realizes Russia is causing a famine on purpose, the international community will be united once again. In the meantime, I feel for Ukrainians, the ones stuck with the real costs of this war.
June 30, 2022
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