Is “Roe v. Wade” REALLY about abortion?
June 24, 202252 min read10412 words
Published: June 24, 2022  |  52 min read10412 words
Kit KnightlyA few hours ago the Supreme Court of United States (SCOTUS) confirmed their ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, the case which set the precedent for abortion as a human right in the US back in the 1970s.As soon as this decision was first a few months ago it became the tre...
Is “Roe v. Wade” REALLY about abortion? Read more

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Moral Equivalency
June 28, 2022
Adjectives with no basis in reality for Democratic side. Calls Trump crass (we have direct evidence of that) and Biden a "jittering dementia patient." He has a stutter, a legitimate disability that does not affect IQ and the only President that had to show off his Dementia scores was Trump. Claims both sides of the issue are 'hysterical' ironic considering that word's true meaning was from the fallacious claim that the uterus was moving about too much for some people. It's hard to see someone crash into the exact issue without realizing that where they stand is not the middle.
June 28, 2022
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