Microsoft to Archive Music on Futuristic Slivers of Glass That Will Live 10,000 Years
June 12, 20223 min read587 words
Published: June 12, 2022  |  3 min read587 words
Sign inPassword recoveryRecover your passwordyour emailWar, disease, division—things aren’t looking too rosy for humanity at the moment. But thanks to Microsoft, at least we’ll be listening to Stevie Wonder after the apocalypse. The tech giant is to etch the world’s music onto gl...
Microsoft to Archive Music on Futuristic Slivers of Glass That Will Live 10,000 Years Read more

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Great Context
June 24, 2022
Exciting storage capacity on glass covered in the article. Content includes potential and durability yet lacks the critical element, how will a future archeologist decode the medium without an instruction manual? In the end, the article admits the technology is cool and we should continue to refine it.
June 24, 2022
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Great Context
June 24, 2022
Fun and playful, nice context on why such a technology would be useful. No information on how it was made but a bit on its benefits and intentions. Seeing this technology up against our current modes expiration dates is pretty depressing. Can't wait to get my own hands on something that would last longer than 15 years.
June 24, 2022
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